Cellular shades are fabric shades with a honeycomb construction that provide energy-efficiency and a stylish look at the window. The shades are available in single-cell and cell-within-a-cell construction. Hunter Douglas offers Duette® Honeycomb Shades (single-cell) and Duette Architella® (cell-within-a-cell). Both can help lower your energy costs and create year-round comfort inside your home.
As the name suggests, single-cell shades trap air inside single distinct pockets, and cell-within-a-cell shades trap it between multiple layers of cells inside each other for even greater energy efficiency. Duette Architella shades are the only honeycomb shade on the market with the cell-within-a-cell construction.
Yes, cellular shades provide superior energy-efficiency due to their honeycomb construction. Select styles of Duette Honeycomb Shades are the first honeycomb shades on the market to be rated by the Attachments Energy Rating Council (AERC) for their energy-efficient properties. Our honeycomb shades are designed to keep your interiors comfortable throughout every season; use natural sunlight to warm rooms in the winter and block harsh sunlight in the summer, all while lowering your heating and cooling energy costs.
Both Duette Honeycomb Shades and Duette Architella shades are available in a large array of fabrics and colors. They are also offered in different pleat sizes and several opacities suited to your light and privacy preferences.
The primary differences between single-cell shades and cell-within-a-cell shades is the level of energy-efficiency. If you have greater energy efficiency needs—perhaps because you have many windows to cover or you live in a region with weather extremes—then cell-within-a-cell shades will be your best option.
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